Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20th

12:04am, Cam 3 - Nicorey flirting, hugging, massaging while in the kitchen with other HGs around.
2:22am: Nicorey in bed in agruing (flirting) about who made the first move. Nicole playfully smothering him with a pillow.
3:32 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey in bed in Tokyo. Whispering. He's kissing her forehead or something. Corey: "I think your impression of me (unintelligible)." Nic: "I was like, whoa, he must really like me." Corey: "Are you for real?" Unintelligible. Nic: "Oh my gosh, stop it. Don't say it like that either, it sounds bad." Corey: "Is that dirty?" Nic: "Yes." Corey: "Oh my gosh, you're such a little baby."
3:34am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey holds hands and cuddles, Corey kisses her neck and says, "Sorry, am i being to touchy?" Nic: "You dont like me anyways, doesn't matter." Corey says basically his to favorite phrases, shut up and aren  you serious. Nicole snuggles into his arm. Corey:" I need to see your face".
3:37 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic asks Corey if he put he prefers blondes or brunettes when the show asked. Corey says he cant remember. Nic says never mind. Corey said he probably put blond. Nic doesn't think he put that. Corey says hes only dated 2 brunettes and is now "gung ho on blondes now".Nic: Thats probably why they onlyhave one blond." Corey: How do you know the other guys didn't put blond?". Nic turns her head away from his face. Then Corey says ,"I like how you make me sound bad or something." They keep on talking about it. Nic sits up and says there done talking (since the dictator and Dora and the lesser Vanessa are in the room).
3:46 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Zaulie that she and corey were agrueing about who made the first move. Zaulie and agrees it was him. Corey comes in. Nicorey sit down on the couch in the HOH room. Corey lays on a pillow in Nic's lap as she scratches his back.
11;08 am, Cam 3 - Nicorey snuggled up in "their" bed.

5;58 2;19dontusenicorey

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