Wednesday, July 20, 2016

July 20th

12:04am, Cam 3 - Nicorey flirting, hugging, massaging while in the kitchen with other HGs around.
2:22am: Nicorey in bed in agruing (flirting) about who made the first move. Nicole playfully smothering him with a pillow.
3:32 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey in bed in Tokyo. Whispering. He's kissing her forehead or something. Corey: "I think your impression of me (unintelligible)." Nic: "I was like, whoa, he must really like me." Corey: "Are you for real?" Unintelligible. Nic: "Oh my gosh, stop it. Don't say it like that either, it sounds bad." Corey: "Is that dirty?" Nic: "Yes." Corey: "Oh my gosh, you're such a little baby."
3:34am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey holds hands and cuddles, Corey kisses her neck and says, "Sorry, am i being to touchy?" Nic: "You dont like me anyways, doesn't matter." Corey says basically his to favorite phrases, shut up and aren  you serious. Nicole snuggles into his arm. Corey:" I need to see your face".
3:37 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic asks Corey if he put he prefers blondes or brunettes when the show asked. Corey says he cant remember. Nic says never mind. Corey said he probably put blond. Nic doesn't think he put that. Corey says hes only dated 2 brunettes and is now "gung ho on blondes now".Nic: Thats probably why they onlyhave one blond." Corey: How do you know the other guys didn't put blond?". Nic turns her head away from his face. Then Corey says ,"I like how you make me sound bad or something." They keep on talking about it. Nic sits up and says there done talking (since the dictator and Dora and the lesser Vanessa are in the room).
3:46 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Zaulie that she and corey were agrueing about who made the first move. Zaulie and agrees it was him. Corey comes in. Nicorey sit down on the couch in the HOH room. Corey lays on a pillow in Nic's lap as she scratches his back.
11;08 am, Cam 3 - Nicorey snuggled up in "their" bed.

5;58 2;19dontusenicorey

Nicorey Timestamps

 12:04 am, Cam 3 - Nicorey flirting, hugging, massaging while in the kitchen with a bunch of people.
3:32 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey in bed in Tokyo. Whispering. He's kissing her forehead or something. Corey: "I think your impression of me [unintelligible]." Nic: "I was like, whoa, he must really like me." Corey: "Are you for real?" Unintelligible. Nic: "Oh my gosh, stop it. Don't say it like that either, it sounds bad." Corey: "Is that dirty?" Nic: "Yes." Corey: "Oh my gosh, you're such a little baby."
3:34 am, Cam 3/4 -Nicorey holds hands and cuddles. More unintelligible whispering. Nic says "you don't like me anyway, so it doesn't matter." Corey says shut up and then asks are you serious?
3:37 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic asks if Corey put "blond" or "brunette" when the show asked him. Corey doesn't remember that. Nic says never mind. Corey said he probably put blond. Nic doesn't think he put that.Corey says he's only dated 2 brunettes and he's like "gung ho on blondes now." Corey: "I like how you try to make me sound [unintelligble]." They continue talking about it.  Nic says they're done talking (because Frank and Dora are in the room.) Corey says they don't care. Nicole says yes they do.
3:46 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Zaulie that she and Corey were arguing about who made the first move. But they agreed it was him. Nicorey sits on the couch in the HOH room. Corey lays down and Nic scratches his back.

UPDATED as of 12:30 pm. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nicorey Time Stamps for July 19

July 19
12:00 am, Cam 1 - Cuddles.
12:34 am, Cam 1/2 - "Nicorey" given a shoutout by Paulie. "It's definitely Nicorey, I'm almost positive it's Nicorey."
12:37 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey enters and Paulie tells him about the showmance names. He slow-tackles Nic and Nic denies that they were creating showmance names. Corey: "You're trying to be in a showmance with me?" Flirting and fake fighting.
12:41 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tries to give Corey a charlie horse. Fails.
12:44 am, Cam 1/2 - "Nicorey" getting another shoutout. Corey denies that they have a showmance nickname.
12:47 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic picking at Corey's face again. Nic says she needs to get at it with a needle and asks where those pins are. Corey says "on the nightstand downstairs" and gives her The Eyebrows (patent pending). Flirting continues. A lot of astrology talk.
1:20 am, Cam 3 - Lots of fish.  But Z trying to figure out the right showmance name. "NiCoCo?" When she says "Nicorey," Nic and Corey grin.  Corey keeps looking over at Nic.
1:23 am, Cam 3 - Lots of fish. Nic apparently tickled Corey and he's tackling her in the bed. He doesn't want her to tickle him. He's jumpy. Flirting etc. Paulie encouraging it.
1:25 am, Cam 3 - Nic: "I think we should all hold him down and tickle him." They are rolling around and fighting on the bed. Almost kiss (not really, but he leaned in). Then they are cuddling for awhile. Lots and lots of fish.
1:37 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey kisses Nic's cheek (?)
1:53 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicole says she's afraid that Nicorey is like Shane and Danielle from Season 14.
2:25 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey asks Nic who's better: Paulie or Cody? They talk about Paulie and Cody.
2:28 am, Cam 1/2 - Talking about height preferences in people they would date. The cuddling continues. Nic gives her range as 5'10" to 6'5" in a goofy voice. He gives her a hard time about it. Nic says 6'6" is too tall. Cuddling.
3:19 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey telling Nic she has a nice butt.
3:29 am, Cam 1/2 - Aaaand the cuddling in Tokyo continues. Continues for a long time. A lot of movement under the covers, and I'll let y'all speculate about what is going on because I'm not reaching any conclusions.
3:36 am, Cam 1/2 - Arguing about where her arms should be in relation to his head. She says she likes to be squished. She is now, essentially, hugging his neck. In, like, a death grip. The cuddles continue.They occasionally talk, but difficult to ascertain what they are saying. A lot of movement under the covers, and I'll let y'all speculate about what is going on because I'm not reaching any conclusions.
3:43 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey; "Tell me what you're thinking." Nic: "I'm scared." Corey: "About what?" Cuddling, death grip, suspicious movements for y'all to speculate about. Nic: "Stop doing that." Nic: "I'm just trying to chill." Corey: "Okay whatever fine." Corey puts the blanket over their heads. "I didn't do anything, stop" and she moves the blanket back. Nic: "I'm just clinging to you. I'm not moving." Corey: "Okay whatever" Nic: "Staaahhp . . . you are being a turd . . . stop . . . gosh." etc. etc. etc.
3:46 am, Cam 1/2 - They are looking at each other. He kisses her forehead. She snuggles in. Nic: "You know how I am!" Corey: "How are you?" Nic: "Scared." Corey: "About what?" Nic; "Awkward stuff." Corey: "What" Cuddling continues. He looks like he's about to kiss her but she ducks her head and they both chuckle. Nic: "I'm the worst." Corey: "Why do you say that?" Nic: "Because." Corey:"Tell me why, I have no idea . . ." He turns his head towards her and she says "Gosh" and he says "What?" She has his neck in the death grip again. Corey: "Are you gonna whisper it to me or what?" She's whispering and you can't hear her. He responds. He says, "Why . . . Why not? . . . *sigh* . . . You're no fun. . . . You do everything well."
3:49 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "Why did you keep saying 'hey'?" Nic: "Because, i didn't know what else to do." Death grip on his neck.  Nic: "I just think you're crazy because you've been locked up in a house for 34 days" Corey: "Oh okay, It's all me. It's all my fault huh"  Nic: "No, definitely not" Corey: "I'm all alone in this huh" (being sarcastic/flirty) Nic: "Oh my gosh." Corey: "I feel stupid now" "Seriously?" etc etc etc. Nic: "You are not alone."  . . . "What are you mad?"  Corey: "I'm answering your questions and you're not answering mine." Corey keeps asking what she's thinking and she's not answering him, says no. Corey: "Are you embarrassed to say it?" Nic: "No." She says she doesn't know. Nic: "What did you think I was thinking" Corey: "Tell me please." Frank comes into Tokyo.
3:55 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic: "Why don't you tell me?" . . . Nic: "You make me nervous sometimes, in a good way." Corey: "Nervous about what?  I make you nervous?" . . . Nic: "Is that bad?" Corey: "Kind of, it doesn't sound like a positive word. What are you nervous about?" [unintelligible]   . . . They keep talking about this for awhile, conversation going in circles. Nic says that Corey has always made her nervous. Corey says he's over it.
3:59: Corey: "You kill me." Nic: "Why?" Corey: "You know why." Nic: "No i don't." Corey: "Yeah you do." He kisses her nose or forehead or something. And he goes back in the grip of death around his neck. Cuddles continue in Tokyo.
4:01 am, Cam 1/2 - Fridgette in Tokyo now, getting in bed. Nicorey is frozen. Then cuddles continue.
4:12 am, Cam 1/2 - They're whispering about something. I got nothing.
4:17 am, Cam 1/2 -  Look like they're about to kiss and then it seems like she's kiss his neck? cheek? ear? No idea. You're free to speculate. He kisses her forward.  And then it sound like he says "Kiss me" and she puts her hand over her mouth, clearly refusing to do so. She whispers something to him. She turns away, and he says something about her giving him the cold shoulder.
4:21 am, Cam 1/2 - She smiles at him and cuddles up to him again. He tries to talk to her and she shushes him and puts her hand over his mouth pointing at Frank.
4:22 am, Cam 1/2 - She looks at Camera 1, puts on her glasses, and says that camera is right on us. He looks at Cam 1 too. They keep whispering. She says "The feeling is mutual." At some point he says, "You're a liar," Cuddle cuddle cuddle. She says, "I just don't kiss . .  [unintelligble]
4:23 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey says "I wanna kiss you."
4:25 am, Cam 1/2 - seems like he's whispering or he keep kissing her or something, and she says "I'm gonna kick your butt"
4:33 am, Cam 1/2 - cuddling massaging etc etc etc in Tokyo. Eventually fall asleep.

11:15 am, Cam 2 - Paulie pranks Nicorey by putting shaving cream on Nicole's face. She gets mad at Corey because she felt like he was in on it and smears shaving cream on his face. He flips her off with his ring finger as he leaves to go wash off his face.
1:27 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey cuddling in Tokyo talking about stuff and Zaulie not kissing last night, Corey checking Nic out as she got out of bed to go take a photo for Paulie/Nat/James.
2:04 pm, Cam 3/4 - Girl Talk with Z in the safari room. It goes on for awhile.
2:33 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic telling Z that Corey was trying so hard to kiss her last night and she had to bury her head in his shoulder for 35 minutes. Nic: "He's too cute!" Z says don't fight it.
2:41 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic says Corey said he wanted to kiss her but that she was/is nervous.
5:35 pm, Cam 3/4 - Girl talk with Z and Nicole is happening in HOH. Nic says Corey is the best. Nic says they are good friends. Nic: "I don't know what to do if that happens again." She doesn't know if she's a good kisser. She thinks kissing in the BB house is so awkward. Nic asked him if he is acting this way because they've been in the BB house for 34 days, and he says why would you say that. I came here to play big brother, what happened? Nic is a little bit upset she's lost focus on the game. Nic admits she asked Corey if he liked funyuns to break up a moment because it was potentially getting too intense.
5:58 pm, Cam 1 - Nic tells Corey that Frank told her that Corey was finally getting sleep without your big old bun on his arm. Corey bursts out laughing. Cuddling and chatting in the HOH bed with Z.
6:06 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic: "I hate that you share a room with them" (meaning Fridgette). Corey: "You mean 'we'?"
6:34 pm, Cam 1 - Nicorey, Zaulie, and PermaFifthWheel Meech are in the HOH bed. Corey bites Nic's ear. She's down with it.
8:49 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey cuddling in Tokyo. Corey telling Nic he was third-wheeling Zaulie in the HOH room. Chit chat. Nic still upset about shaving cream prank earlier. Talking about Zaulie not kissing. Corey goes to eat some pizza.
8:59 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey eating pizza.
9:01 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says she likes Corey's new hairstyle.
9:09 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey in Tokyo. She says she has a headache. He insists upon going to get advil for her. Nic to herself: "He is like the nicest boy ever." Snuggling and talking strategy.
9:16 pm, Cam 1/2 - Frank comes to Tokyo and kills the vibe. But not, because Nic starts playing with Corey's hair.
9:18 pm, Cam 1/2 - Frank mentions that the camera above him has been loving Nicorey the past few nights. Corey: "Oh my gosh."
9:19 pm, Cam 2 - Corey bites Nic's arm. Frank saying that seeing Nicorey makes him miss his gf. Frank says he loves Nicorey.
9:29 pm, Cam 3 - Corey is telling the story about his ex-gf again. She sounds like a certified stalker. Nic says the ex-gf  is going to kick Nic's butt. Frank making fun of the ex-gf.
9:51 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey goes into bathroom, concerned that Nic is upset. She's straightening her hair, insisting that she's fine. But he can tell she's lying. Corey says be honest. Nic says it was a little weird. Nic: "I don't like to think about it."
9:53 pm, Cam 3 - Corey looks straight at the camera. They are silent. Nicole is still straightening her hair. Nicole says there is nothing to say. Corey says, "I wish you would talk about it though." Corey takes a shower.
9:58 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says to people in the Tokyo room that she's so stressed she wants to cry. "Not because I'm scared of her --" FISH.
9:59 pm, Cam 3/4 - It's obvious that Corey is ruminating over the drama.
10:00 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic is breaking it down with her bestie, Z. She is worried about the ex-gf. She feels so bad about it because she's sure the ex-gf hates her. She doesn't want to have to worry about it. It would never stop. It's not worth flirting with him because it can't go anywhere if she's going to crawl through his windows and stuff. Nic says there's no point! Z tells Nic that Corey genuinely cares about her. Basically, Nic does not want the drama. She does not want to get beat up. She is afraid of the ex-gf.
10:05 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic: "I feel weird. I don't want to sleep in our bed tonight." She doesn't want a DTR, she wants to blow it off and make him think she's completely fine. Nic is stressing about the ex-gf. Z says Corey doesn't want someone like that. Nic doesn't want to see Corey or talk to him tonight.
10:11 pm, Cam 3/4 - Z and Nic having therapy time. Nic is concerned ex-gf wants to kill her. Nic feels like she couldn't even visit him without the ex-gf beating her up. Z says she'll go with Nic and protect her. Nic is super emotional. Corey is by himself in bed in Tokyo.
10:15 pm, Cam 1 - Corey awake in Tokyo. I can't read minds, but I'd say he's stressing. He just lays there, blinking. Feeling gutted.
10:40 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic asks Corey if he wants to go upstairs. He doesn't. She and Z go to the kitchen and talk it out. Nic debating how to handle the situation. She goes back to Tokyo to try again.
10:43 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic asks Corey what's wrong. He denies that anything is wrong. She says he's being weird. He says he's not. He says she can go upstairs if she wants. He says everything is fine. She crawls into bed with him. They are talking in circles. Corey: "I'm just trying to give you your space. You said you wanted to sleep upstairs tonight." Nic: "Because I don't want to be beat up." He says he was embarrassed that she said that in front of everybody. Annnnnnd FISH. When the fish go away, the sadistic camera guys have taken us away from Tokyo.
11:26 pm, All Cams - 45 minutes later, we still haven't seen any Nicorey. Sadistic camera guys are sadistic.

11:31 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey is sitting in bed. Talking to James. Nicorey is wondering about what it means when the red light is on the camera. Corey to James: "She tried to make out with me. And it didn't come on." Corey says they are watching every move and catching everything. Nic is wondering why there is a red light. James says BB is recording 24/7. Corey says Nic tried to kiss him, Corey says he is nervous, doesn't know if he'll be good at it. (giving Nic a hard time) Nic says that sounds familiar.
11:34 pm, Cam 3/4 - Everyone is going into the kitchen. Nicorey stays in Tokyo for a second. Corey grabs Nicole and says "Let's make out." They are hugging on the bed. Nic: "So you're not mad at me anymore?" He says, "No, I swear." And then he looks like he's trying to kiss her in a teasing way or something and they get up and leave.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Nicorey Time Stamps for July 18

July 18
12:20 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey game talk
12:56 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic returns and Corey says she smells good. Nicorey + Paul game talk
1:07 am, Cam 1/2 - Paul hints at missing alcohol, but both Nic and Corey interpret it to mean sex.
1:09 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic says she's fine. Corey: "I guess we're not hot enough for you Nicole."
1:17 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey playing with Nic's hair. Corey: "Are you mad?"
1:21 am, Cam 1/2 - Strategy talk/Talking to Tiff
1:23 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey playing with Nic's hair / Strategy talk
1:25 am, Cam 1/2 - Flirting and talking about the fake boys alliance. Flirting more. This continues for awhile.
1:28 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic: "I like you the most."
1:30 am, Cam 1/2 - Arguing about the lack of cuddling last night, etc.
1:32 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "Maybe [Meech] is trying to drive a wedge between us." Frank crashes the party at 1:38
1:45 am, Cam 1/2 - Frank leaves. The party recommences. They start talking about Zaulie. Flirting and general chit chat.
1:56 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey gives Nic head massage. Chit chat and flirting continues.
2:04 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic wondering why Nat wouldn't say something about Corey in front of her. Corey: "Why would she say something if she knows that you like me?" Nic: "And who's to say I even like you?" Corey: "I know, I was just thinking I hope she doesn't say that . . . as a friend, duh."
2:06 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey cuddles. . . . and talks about Nat and Vic (?). Cuddles continue. Game talk. Meech and Z crash the party at 2:16, but the cuddling continues. At 2:44, Paul summons everyone inside.
2:43 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey hugs Nicole in the kitchen.
3:02 am, Cam 1/2 - flirting, massage, etc. continues for awhile while other HGs plan to do dairy/cinnamon challenges
3:25 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic talking to Meech and Z. Nic: "Corey is not real life." Nic kind of wants to cuddle him tonight, but worried about going on the block. She decides that if he asks, she'll say yes. She makes fun of their height difference.
3:28 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic tells Z that Corey said "Come to bed" and says she's going to go cuddle.
3:30 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic is on cloud nine. She tells Meech and Z that Corey the cutest guy in the entire world, most attractive guy she's ever met in her life, and a beautiful creature (lol)
3:31 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey cuddles, they hold hands, and they sleep in Tokyo;
8:55 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey wakes up, moving around in bed. I'll let y'all speculate about what they're saying and doing.
9:30 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Z that Corey rolled on top of her during the morning music and his face was close, and if she had looked him in the eyes, a kiss would have had to have happened.
9:35 am, Cam 2 - Corey checking in with Nic to see what he can make her for breakfast.
9:55 am, Cam 1 - Corey says Nic has a beautiful voice (she was singing in the bathroom)
1:56 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic puts flour and sour cream on Corey's back. He keeps telling her to lick it off and she won't. Flirting etc.
2:44 pm, Cam 4 - Corey grabs and hugs Nicole. Corey: "Good cuddle sesh this morning"
3:28 pm, Cam 1 - Hug, flirting, Corey: "Come nap." Nic: "I'm going to go outside, it's nice outside." Corey: "It's nice in my bed."
3:29 pm, Cam 1 - Corey grabs her and hugs her. Nic jumps in bed with Corey. Cuddles.
3:47 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic talking about Corey to James and Meech. "He's not even human. He's literally like a dream. He's not realistic. Where did you find him?"  Refers to him as her dream man. Meech and Nic go on and on. Nic: "I have such a crush."
3:51 pm, Cam 1 - Nic talks about giving Corey advice at the beginning, warning him about getting distracted by a showmance.
3:55 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic goes to Tokyo and climbs in bed with Corey for a nap.
6:57 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey hugging Nic, picks her up, talks about height difference
7:09 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting, Corey eats the fruit pizza that Nic is nervous about
7:16 pm, Cam 4 - Nic put her fork on Corey's plate and said thanks for washing that. He grabbed and held her hand for a few seconds.
9:26 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey talking in HOH room
9:32 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic telling Corey about James wanting to go for Nic. Corey says he'll back off and let James do his magic. Corey leaves to go make dinner, and Nic starts talking to herself, wondering if he's mad about what she said and saying he's weird about stuff and she doesn't know how he feels. She says, maybe its pure strategy. "It hurts my feelings, but its okay."
10:19 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey in backyard. Nic: "Are you serious about you backing off?" Corey: "Are you serious? What are you talking about?" Corey says he's confused. Nic says nevermind, drop it. Corey is acting like he can't remember what they talked about earlier. Nic finally gets around to talking about their prior conversation upstairs. Corey: "Why does it matter?" She runs for the bathroom to escape the awkwardness.
10:23 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic returns. Corey says "I was being kind of serious." (?) "I am honestly kidding, if he likes you, I'm not going to make it worse." Corey says he's not weird about it. Nic says she doesn't want to talk about it. Corey says he doesn't want to hurt her feelings. Nic says her feelings aren't hurt. She keeps talking about it and then not wanting to talk about it. Corey says he doesn't believe her feelings aren't hurt.
10:26 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says Jatalie made up, but Corey should back off because that's what he wants to do. Corey says Nic is holding a grudge. Corey says its okay, he only meant it for James' sake. Nic says be straight up with me and stop beating around the bush. Corey says he knows what to say, but he's not going to say it. Corey asks if things are going to be weird. Corey: "You're acting like I didn't like last night. I really did like last night. After last night, why would I not want to cuddle with you." Nic: "I was confused." They are talking in circles.
10:31 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "So you think I was just saying all that?" Nic: "Saying all what?" The stuff about James. Corey: "I've been pretty nice to you lately." Nic: "This is miscommunication." Corey: "You're acting like I don't want to sleep or cuddle with you. Which, why wouldn't I?"  This conversation continues going in circles. Nic: "I took something the wrong way, I think." Pool game continues for another 10+ minutes. Flirting etc.
11:02 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking in HOH bed. Still sorting out the drama. They seriously look like they are going to kiss. For real. But Paulie is lurking. Cuddles.
11:27 pm, Cam 1 - Game talk with Paulie has been going on this whole time. Then Nicorey cuddles.
11:41 pm, Cam 1/2 - As usual, the Nicorey cuddle party continues to get crashed. Z and Meech enter the HOH room. But the cuddles continue.
11:44 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey's heart is beating fast. Cuddles up to Nic, disregarding other HGs.
11:52 pm, Cam 1 - Cuddles continue.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Nicorey Time Stamps for July 17

July 17
12:03 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic and Z talking about Nicorey and Zaulie
12:39 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic tells Z to tell Corey to come cuddle her. Then says just kidding.
12:43 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic talks about her insecurities re: Corey; Z reassuring her.
11:02 am, Cam 3/4 - Z said she told Paulie that she liked Nicorey together, and Paulie was like, "yeah, he really likes her"
11:43 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic prevents Corey from sunning himself next to her because she says that she's saving that spot for Z. They jokingly bicker about it.
11:46 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey says to James: "It's because she doesn't like me!" and Nicole insists she does like him! And now she's beating herself up about it.
12:22 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey asks Nic, "Are we allowed to get in the pool? Or . . ." and Nic says, "Sttttahhhpp!"
1:48 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic checking again with Z about what Paulie said about Corey liking her.
2:21 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey chilling in the backyard, chatting, game talk, talking about Corey's intro video
2:49 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey convo in the backyard continues
7:06 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey: "Nicole, those spandex look good on you. Spandex butts drive me nuts." Nic: "Typical boy, typical boy."  Corey: "Only on you."
7:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic tries to cross the backyard outside Corey's line of sight. Corey: "I'm not allowed to look at your butt?" Nic: "I don't know." Corey: "Are you serious? Looking good, looking good."
7:45 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey smacks Nic on the bum with the red ball.
7:49 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Corey talking strategy in the backyard, flirting
8:27 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey calls Nic sassy and gives her a hug (possible kiss on the cheek?)
8:36 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey about to eat the tuna salad Nic made, she's worried he won't like it, he says he'll eat it because she made it.
10:38 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic joins Corey in the hammock and talks game with Meech and Paul
10:53 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey flirting, talking about Nic not joining him in the hammock earlier.
11:00 pm, Cam 3/4 - Meech finally leaves. Game talk. Nic: "I don't trust anybody but you."
11:02 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey tells Nic that he was not going to use the POV because he didn't want Nic to go up , and he said that in his DR. Game talk continues.
11:07 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic: "We are huge threats in this game." Corey: *eyebrow raises*
11:12 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey: "You smell good." And then Frank comes along and shuts it down.
11:23 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey tells Frank he's in heat lately. Lol
11:36 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey yelling at Nic for taking most of the ice cream (flirting)

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nicorey Time Stamps for July 16

July 16
12:22 am, Cam 3 – hug at have not dinner
12:28 am, Cam 1 – Nicorey doing dishes together
2:20 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicole debating about Corey sleeping in HOH bed
2:23 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicole summons Corey up to the HOH room, cuddle in Tokyo
2:26 am, Cam 1/2 – Nicorey gets in HOH bed; goes to fish
2:29 am, Cam 1/2 – back from fish
4:04 am, Cam 1/2 – Nic awkwardly climbs into bed; Corey: “oh my gosh”
6:30 am, Cam 1/2 – face to face cuddling
8:13 am, Cam 1/2 – morning in the HOH bed
2:26 pm, Cam 1/2 – Nicorey convo in Tokyo
5:45 pm, Cam 3/4 – Conversation in safari room with Z about POV
5:52 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey hug and Nic telling Corey she's proud of him
6:32 pm, Cam 4 - Nic says she prayed that Corey would win; Corey teasing Nic; flirting
8:22 pm, Cam 3 - Nic upset in the bathroom, talking to Meech about Corey being mad at her, crying.
9:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic still upset about Corey
9:34 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic, Z, Meech, and Day talking about Nic's angst over Corey, crying
she doesn't want to disappoint people she loves
9:42 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey sits down by hammock where Nic, Meech, Z and Paulie are sitting
9:44 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic asks to talk to Corey; apologizes, its pretty awkward.
9:49 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic: You're the only person I trust
9:55 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey talk continues
10:00 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey talk continues. Strategy talk.
10:01 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicole talks about crying to Corey
10:03 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicole says she is Corey's sidekick
10:08 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nicole returns to the backyard, Nicorey talk continues, talking about POV comp
10:14 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey: "Give me a kiss." Nicole: "You actually deserve one."
10:36 pm, Cam 1/2 - Strategy talk, talking about being on jury
10:49 pm, Cam 1/2 – Flirting, talking about their F2 deal
10:50 pm, Cam 1/2 – Nic: “If I’m going to lose to somebody, I’d rather lose to you.”
10:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - Flirting and talking about Nic's confidence in Corey
11:23 pm, Cam 3/4 - massage at kitchen table
11:27 pm, Cam 3 - Corey hugs her from behind and continues massage

Nicorey Time Stamps Between June 28 and July 15

June 28
10:38 am, cam 1/2, - we’re just friends, things are so confusing
1:55, cam 3/4 – photo session
4:57, cam 1/2 – try to kidnap
5:00, cam 1/2 – talk in hoh room after, flirting
6:25, cam 1/2 – backyard talk about date with victor, date I asked you on
6:40, cam 3/4  - pool game
7:01, cam 1/2 – dance practice
7:26, Cam 1/2 – worrying about kicking Corey out of dance practice, brother and sister comment, I’m done! Freaking out

June 29
12:27 am, cam 3/4 – throwing bread at Nicole
9:24 am, cam 2 – climbs into bed with her in HOH
10:40 am, cam 1/2 - cuddling in the HOH bed
6:08 pm, cam 3 – smiles when she comes into HOH
8:38 pm, cam 3/4 – in-depth discussion in safari room

June 30
11:13 am, cam 3 – hanging out in kitchen
1:40 pm, cam 3/4 – strategy talk
8:52 pm, Cam 1/2-  strategy talk, flirting
9:29 pm, Cam 3 - flirting
11:32 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey suggests cuddling, Nicole asks for a birthday dance

July 1
2:16 am, cam 4 – strategy talk
2:20 am, Cam 4 – flirting
12:09 pm, Cam 3/4 – flirting and talking about tall/short people
12:30 pm, Cam 3/4 - convo continues
7:22 pm, Cam 3/4 - washing water bottle, talking about how many boys she kissed
8:46 pm, Cam 3/4 - strategy

July 2
3:22 pm, Cam 1/2 – napping in Tokyo, strategy
6:45 pm, Cam 1 – trying to lock Corey out
7:54 pm, Cam 3 – brief moment
8:02 pm, Cam 2 – scaring Nicole hahaha
9:09 pm, Cam 3 – Nicole talking about how Corey’s not into Nat
11:12 pm, Cam 4 – staring
11:35 pm, Cam 1/2 - Flirting
11:38 pm, Cam 1/2 -  Corey says Nicole you can sleep in my bed if you want to

July 3
12:28 am, Cam 3/4 - cuddling
12:44 am, Cam 3/4 - still in bed together
9:12 am, Cam 1/2  - Corey doing double take on James and Nicole in bed
12:36 pm, Cam 3 – Flirting in the yard, maybe we should turn our chairs that way
3:32 pm, Cam 1/2  - Frank commenting that Nicole is Corey’s girlfriend
4.38 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking about cuddling to James and Michelle
5.37 pm, Cam 2 – Cuddling on Corey’s bed
6:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - Playing pool
7:35 pm, Cam 1/2 - conversation on couch outside
7:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - Conversation re: strategy in storage room 

July 4
12:42 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey acting cray and slightly drunk, flirting with Nic
1:26 pm, Cam 3/4 - keeping Corey out of the house, flirting
2:30 pm, Cam 1/2 - talking in storage room, flirting, Nic saying she won't talk to him for 3 days, the bet
2:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - Day's pep talk to Nicole re: Corey
3:18 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking in bed in Tokyo
3:40 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting, etc. etc. in Tokyo
4:06 pm, Cam 3/4 - Cuddle session with Nicorey and Vic in Tokyo
6:04 pm, Cam 3/4 - End of cuddling

July 5
12:46 am, cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking in Tokyo
1:54 am, cam 3/4 - talking in Tokyo
2:37 pm, cam 1/2 - strategy convo on HOH bed
3:58 pm, Cam 1/2 - chatting in the backyard
4:14 pm, Cam 1 - convo continues, flirting
7:20 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey and James talking about Natalie/Nicole
8:38 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey climbs onto HOH bed next to Nicole and cuddles, both of them look up at camera haha

July 6
I did not keep track of time stamps on this day. If you have any notes about this day, let me know!

July 7
1:44 am, Cam 3/4 - strategy convo with James in storage room
1:52 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting in bathroom, she's mad at him for ugly cookie comment
11:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - massage during conversation in Tokyo (continues for awhile)

July 8
1:44 am, Cam 3/4 - flirting in bathroom
1:50 am, Cam 3/4 - flirting in bathroom
2:35 am, Cam 1/2 - convo in Tokyo
8:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - James and Nic talking about Corey
9:04 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting, convo with Paulie and James
11:10 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey complimenting Nic's bum
11:55 pm, Cam 1/2 - Tiff talking to Nic about Corey

July 9
12:00 and forward, Cam 1/2 - Tiff talking to Nic about Corey
7:03 a.m., Cam 3 - Nic scared of ghost, gets in bed with Corey
7:15 a.m. Cam 4 - Nic gets back in bed with Corey
3:09 pm, Cam 3/4 - Conversation in living room
7:46 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says Corey is a great size
8:10 pm, Cam 1/2 - strategy talk with Z in safari room
8:30 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking about Nic getting mad
9:29 pm, Cam 3/4 - let's say we got married, convo about bachelor/ette parties
10:15 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Meech talk about Corey; he is the rarest, he is not real life
10:18 pm, Cam 1/2 - people like that don't exist, convo continues
10:21 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey comes up, leans over couch, chats with Nic and Meech
10:28 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic talking about Corey being hot
10:36 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic says she checks Corey out too much; she'd know if he was a twin
10:50 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic and Corey talking in have not room; Nic says she's a really good cuddler. 
11:27 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Corey talking in have not room
11:53 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking to Tiff in have not room; Nicorey talking about whether they'll stay in touch after BB is over

July 10
12:10 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic asks Corey if he can change tires and oil
12:15 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic tells Corey that Cody was a man-boy and Corey is a man. 
12:47 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey asks Nic why she's being awkward; convo re: game etc.
1:36 am, Cam 1/2 - Nic and Meech stop Corey from exiting HN room
3:07 am, Cam 1/2 - general flirting
3:13 am, Cam 1 – Corey's face issues
3:16 am, Cam 1 - talking about Corey's hair
3:19 am, Cam 1 – Corey's blue thing on his face
3:36 am, Cam 1 – Corey about to ask if Nicole loves him, I need a kiss
3:42 am, Cam 1 – Nicole's impression of Corey in the glasses
3:48 am,  Cam 1: let’s make out, give me a kiss
3:53 am, Cam 1: Corey talks about SF trip; says to Nic, you would have made out with me
4:32 am, Cam 1/2 - cam goes back to bathroom
4:48 am, Cam 1/2 - massage and flirting
4:53 am, Cam 1/2 - moment everyone thought Corey wanted to kiss her
5:02 am, Cam 1 - massage
2:29 pm, Cam 1/2 - Corey talking to Frank and Paul re: flirting with Nic. "I want you to be my baby, I want to spoil you, and have a bunch of brats; wanna make out?"
7:57 pm, Cam 1-4 - convo inside during outback dinner
10:43 pm, Cam 1/2  - dance for Z's b-day
11:16, Cam 1/2 - Corey's prank with Big Meech
11:22, Cam 1/2  - picks Nicole up and apologizes for prank
11:23 Cam 1/2  - flirting, talking about Corey's cramps

July 11
My time stamps from this day are incomplete because of tech issues with the feeds.
2:27 am, Cam 1/2 - this is the night Corey and Nic pulled an all-nighter. Talking at hammock.
5:49 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey told to go inside. Flirting. Corey says, "You don't want to scar that beautiful face."
5:52 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "You have such a pretty face and then you . . ."
5:57 am, Cam 1/2 - Corey: "you don’t need makeup."
6:36 am, Cam 1/2 - Tired Corey giving Nic the look
7:07 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey leaves bathroom and get in bumper car
7:12 am, Cam 1/2 - laughing while cuddling in bumper car
8:08 am, Cam 1 - Corey wakes up and kisses Nic's neck possibly?
9:25 pm, Cam 3/4 - backyard pool game/flirting

July 12  
2:06 am, Cam 1 - Corey gets into Nic's bumper car
2:34 am, Cam 3/4 - Nicorey in Corey's bumper car getting ready to go to sleep
2:28 pm, Cam 3/4 - talk in bathroom
3:55 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey helping Nic with laundry
11:43 pm, Cam 1/2 - Z and Nicole talking about Corey
11:46 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nic saying Corey is a solid 10, cutest thing ever
11:47 pm, Cam 1/2 - Z and Nic convo about Corey continues
11:56  pm, Cam 1 - Nicole says Corey is the most beautiful man in the world

July 13
3:02 am, Cam 1/2 - flirting and Nicorey hug, Nic fake punches him the stomach. Corey: "you can't hurt steel, baby"
1:34 pm, Cam 3 - Nic shouting out her friends and fam; says Z is an angel and says Corey is cool too. He comes and poses with her. 
2:56 pm, Cam 3/4 - Strategy talk in safari room
3:18 pm, Cam 3/4 - Talking in HN room, Corey hits his elbow on the bumper car haha, badmouthing Tiff
8:00 pm, Cam 1/2 - flirting, go into HN room, studying for HOH comp
8:11 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting 
10:29 pm, Cam 3/4 - talking in HN room
11:24 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey pretends to climb into Nic's bumper car; flirting

July 14
8:15 am, Cam 1 - Corey gives Nic massage for a while in the kitchen
11:08 am, Cam 1 - Nic saves Corey a spot in the HOH bed for lockdown; cuddling
10:06 pm, Cam 3/4 - Nic climbs into Corey's bumper car; strategy talk
10:36 pm, Cam 3/4 - Corey: "do you need a kiss?"
10:39 pm, Cam 3/4 - bumper car double date
10:41 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting
10:43 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting (continues past 11:00 pm)

July 15
12:06 am, Cam 1 - flirting on futon in Tokyo (through 12:19)
3:35 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey going to go check on Nicole during Tiff freak out
4:07 am, Cam 1/2 - Nicole defends Corey to Tiffany
4:26 am, Cam 3/4 - cuddle on HOH couch
4:43 am, Cam 3/4 - Nic tries to make Corey promise not to watch her yell at Tiff. Cuddling.
4:53 am, Cam 3/4 - making a cuddle date
11:27 am, Cam 3/4 - Corey agrees with Z that Nic is cute and nurturing
11:31 am, Cam 3/4 – Nic checking on corey
10:43 pm, Cam 1/2 - Nicorey talking on Tokyo futon
11:51 pm, Cam 3/4 - flirting while preparing the havenot dinner